Monday, September 12, 2011

From the Mouths of Babes

Here are some of the latest, funniest things Reagan has been saying lately:

1.  "Whobody"  This cracks us up everytime she says it.  This is Reagan's creative combination of who and somebody.  Whobody is coming?  Whobody is in there?  Whobody is that?  Hilarious!

2.  "Why?"  Why do we only have one nose?  Why is it called a library?  Why is it red?  Why is it time to eat?  Why do we have to clean up?  Why, why, why?  (It only takes a few minutes with a toddler to realize just how much you don't know!)

3.  "Don't be angry.  Smile!"  Reagan says this all of the time now, especially when she is in trouble.  Which in turn makes it hard for us to be angry anymore.  Smart little devil, huh?

4.  "Great idea!"  Anytime we suggest something that she just loves, she exclaims with such enthusiam, "great idea!"  She is so genuine and sweet, it just melts my heart.

5.  Interactions with her sister.  While this isn't an exact word or phrase, I am in love with how my girls interact.  They are so excited to see each other in the morning that they will just laugh and giggle and squeal at each other.  Reagan is so happy when her sister does something new.  For example, if Madilynn takes a big bite of purees, Reagan will exclaim, "That was a good one!"  They love to play and read books together.  And Madilynn just cracks up every single time Reagan runs by her or makes a funny face at her.  It's all the moments like these that make the long nights, tantrums, and pure exhaustion worth it. 

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