Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Long Overdue Updates

December has been a crazy month!  With Reagan's birthday, Madilynn's long string of sicknesses, and preparing for and celebrating Christmas, I have had virtually no time to post.  So I am going to post three mini-updates in this one post.

Update One: Madilynn turned 10 months old!

10 down and only 2 to go!  My baby girl is well on her way to being a year old!

On a funny side note, a few weeks back I gave Madilynn a few tiny pieces of pizza.  She loved them!  She was sitting at her high chair eating while I was cleaning up the kitchen.  I turned to check on her and this is what I saw:

Pizza is delicious and tiring!

Update Two: Reagan's 3 Year Old Check-Up

I was one proud Mama after leaving this appointment!  First, Reagan was not scared at all and did a wonderful job!  In fact, as soon as Dr. Pastore came into the room, she ran to him and gave him a hug.  And then she proceeded to talk his ear off the entire appointment. 

It is routine for the nurses to take the girls while the doctor catches up with the parent.  As soon as Dr. Pastore and I were alone in his office, he started laughing and asking if Reagan talked much.  I told him she talked all of the time.  He responded, "Many three year old talk a lot, but they don't talk here!  If she talks this much here, then I can only imagine how much she talks at home!"  He then started to ask me if she knows her basic colors and shapes.  I must have had a pure look of disgust on my face when I answered, "Of course.  She can also name an octagon and a trapezoid."  He asked if she knew her letters ("All of them") and her numbers ("She can count to 20").  With that information, he told me she would be ready for Kindergarten tomorrow!  He told me that we need to make sure she has a great teacher because with three years until she can start school, she will be bored out of her mind if she isn't challenged.  That's my girl!  Overall, he was very impressed with her overall health and growth.  By the way she is in the 90th percentile for height at 38 3/4 inches (no wonder we are moving her into 4T pants) and the 50th for weight at 32 pounds.

Update Three: A Gingerbread House

To have a little Christmas fun, we decided to make a gingerbread house!  It was a ton of fun, and while the finished project isn't magazine worthy, we had a ton of fun and made a lot of memories making it.  It will surely be a Christmas tradition from now on!

 Finally, I would be remiss if I didn't thank Grandma Patty for coming to stay with us for over a week.  She watched Madilynn for the entire week so we didn't have to send her to daycare.  Madilynn was feeling so much better, the first time in nearly two months, and had a wonderful Christmas.  Thank you, Grandma!  We love you and can't wait to see you again!

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