Wednesday, September 28, 2011


I know I haven't posted in awhile, but for two weeks our lives were consumed with Seattle--first the planning, then the trip (September 15-19) , then the recovery!  Trey was honored with an Acheivement Award at Steritech, and part of that honor was an all expense paid weekend trip to Seattle.  We had an amazing (and exhausting!) time.  We also admittedly spent much of the trip talking about the girls, missing the girls, shopping for the girls...well, you get the idea.

Thursday:  I went to work as usual, but left early so we could make it to the airport to catch our flight.  I left the house in tears, worried about how much I would miss the girls and how long we would be away from them.  I left Reagan a note and a gift to open every day we were gone.  She loved them and it let her know Mommy and Daddy were always thinking about her even though we weren't with her.  Our plane took off from Richmond on time, we had a quick layover in Detroit, and then we were off to Seattle.  That night we stayed in a Springhill Suites and by the time we got to bed we had been awake for 22 hours.

Friday:  Friday morning we were up bright and early due to the three hour time change.  So we decided to head to the hotel, The Fairmont Olympic, to check in.  We were given a beautiful suite!  After getting a quick caffeine fix, we headed off to explore Pike's Place Market.  It was an amazing market and an awesome experience.  That night we enjoyed delicious food and great company at a welcome dinner at the hotel. 

Saturday: After a delicious breakfast with Trey's colleagues at the hotel, we headed to our sailing excursion on the Puget Sound.  We had beautiful views of the city, but it was freezing!  By the end of the trip, every person on board the boat had put on every single layer they had with them.  Thank goodness Steritech had given all of fleeces as a welcome gift the night before!  After sailing, we were treated to an amazing lunch at Elliott's Oyster House.  The crab cakes were absolutely delicious!  We then headed back to the hotel to rest up and get ready for the black tie awards banquet to be held that evening at the hotel.  It was a lovely night. 

Sunday:  While most of Trey's colleagues were heading home, we were lucky enough to have an extra day in Seattle.  Although we were downright exhausted by this point, we had to take advantage of being in the city.  So after another delicious breakfast (Washington apple fritter frenchtoast, anyone?), we headed back to Pike Place Market.  We explored downtown a little bit, relaxed at the hotel, and then headed to visit Chittenden Locks in the Ballard section of Seattle.  Because the public bus ride was rather long, we were able to experience first hand why Seattle was given the title of 6th worst dressed city in the world.  That night we opted out of a fancy dinner and instead enjoyed a sandwich and a beer at the Pike's Place Brewery before calling it a night.

The Original Starbucks

Monday:  Early flight home!  After a very long flight, a quick layover in Cleveland, and then a short flight, we were finally home to see Pumpkin and Peanut.  Reagan and Madilynn LOVED their souvenirs, and we were just so happy to be home with them again.
All in all, we had an amazing and exhausting trip to the Emerald City.  Who knew so much fun could be so much work?
Enjoying Seattle Souvenirs!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Making Time for Fun!

This past weekend, we made it a priority to have a little fun. 

Here the girls are playing dress up with Mommy's beach hat:

Then we headed out to Short Pump to walk around the mall, play at the fountains, relax in the beautiful weather, and take a train ride:

Finally we headed for a Food Truck Festival at Whole Foods where there were bubbles, face painting, and cookie decorating:

What an exhausting day!

First Tooth!

Today, 4 days shy of 7 months old, Madilynn cut her first tooth!  Reagan was 8 1/2 months old when she cut her first tooth.  Last night Madilynn was fussy at bedtime so I held her for a few hours in my bed, but other than that, she has been her pleasant, happy self.  I can't believe she has already hit another milestone!

Monday, September 12, 2011

From the Mouths of Babes

Here are some of the latest, funniest things Reagan has been saying lately:

1.  "Whobody"  This cracks us up everytime she says it.  This is Reagan's creative combination of who and somebody.  Whobody is coming?  Whobody is in there?  Whobody is that?  Hilarious!

2.  "Why?"  Why do we only have one nose?  Why is it called a library?  Why is it red?  Why is it time to eat?  Why do we have to clean up?  Why, why, why?  (It only takes a few minutes with a toddler to realize just how much you don't know!)

3.  "Don't be angry.  Smile!"  Reagan says this all of the time now, especially when she is in trouble.  Which in turn makes it hard for us to be angry anymore.  Smart little devil, huh?

4.  "Great idea!"  Anytime we suggest something that she just loves, she exclaims with such enthusiam, "great idea!"  She is so genuine and sweet, it just melts my heart.

5.  Interactions with her sister.  While this isn't an exact word or phrase, I am in love with how my girls interact.  They are so excited to see each other in the morning that they will just laugh and giggle and squeal at each other.  Reagan is so happy when her sister does something new.  For example, if Madilynn takes a big bite of purees, Reagan will exclaim, "That was a good one!"  They love to play and read books together.  And Madilynn just cracks up every single time Reagan runs by her or makes a funny face at her.  It's all the moments like these that make the long nights, tantrums, and pure exhaustion worth it. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

First Day of School

Today was the first day of school after summer vacation.  Both of the girls headed back to daycare and I headed back to work.  I was a bit of an emotional wreck, but they both did a great job!  I missed them terribly throughout the day, so it was such a relief to hear from their teachers that they both had good days. 

Last night I asked Reagan if she was going to miss staying at home with Mommy.  She looked at me and said point blank, "I don't think so, Mommy.  I'm sorry."  Hilarious!

Reagan and Madilynn, I had a wonderful summer at home with you.  It was so much fun going to the library, reading books, blowing bubbles, eating ice cream, cuddling, and spending all of our time together.  I am going to miss so many things about our days together, but I am looking forward to this new school year.  I know you both are going to grow so much in the months to come and learn so many new things.  I am so proud of both of you, and I love you both more than you will ever know.

Go Hokies!

In honor of the start of football season, here are some pics of my sweet girls in their Virginia Tech dresses.  It doesn't get much more adorable than this...

Friday, September 2, 2011

What a Couple of Weeks!

We have had a couple of exciting weeks here in Richmond, Virginia!  First, on August 23 we had a 5.9 earthquake that scared the bejezus out of me.  I was at home with the girls (who thankfully were sleeping) when the house started shaking and swaying.  Thank goodness we were all ok, but it shook me up (literally and figuratively).  One of the worse parts of the experience was when both cell phones and landlines wouldn't work.  In fact, it took 6 hours for Trey to receive the text I sent him letting him know we were alright.

Just 4 days later, Hurricane Irene hit.  Once again we were very blessed.  We only had a few limbs fall into the yard and we never lost electricity.  Many other people did not fare as well.  Huge trees are down all over the Richmond area, many of them landing on houses and cars.  As of today, six days after the storm, many of my friends and co-workers still do not have power. 

And while all of this was going on, my mom came to visit and to watch the girls while I went back to work for teacher work week.   Teacher work week actually turned into only three days since Monday and Tuesday were cancelled due to the hurricane.  It was great having the two extra days to spend with my mom.  While she was here, we shopped, ate good food, weathered a hurricane (and then cleaned up the aftermath!), and just hung out.  It was wonderful to watch her interacting with Reagan and Madilynn who both love Grandma Patty. 

She had to leave around 11:00 on Friday morning.  When Reagan woke up from her nap, I was home from work.  I asked her if Grandma Patty left and she said, "Yes, I waved goodbye, and then I was very sad."  Me too, sweetie.  But I'm sure we'll see her again soon.  We love you and miss you, Grandma!